Monthly Archives: May 2020

PostProduction World ONLINE May 17-19 2020


JOKER cinematographer Lawrence Sher, ASC and Camera Operator Geoff Haley, SOC join Post|Production World Online as Keynotes!

Post|Production World (P|PW) Online gathers international renown designers and editors around the world to share their expertise and real-world experiences through LIVE, interactive video sessions. We are pleased to announce our Keynotes, Lawrence Sher, ASC, and Geoff Haley, SOC, who’ve worked on the Academy Awards winning film, JOKER. They will host an intimate interview to hear how their roles worked together to further the storytelling and the Director’s vision while producing JOKER.

Lawrence Sher is known for his work on Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), The Hangover (2009) and Garden State (2004). Most recently, he worked on the Academy Awards winning film, JOKER, directed by Todd Philips. Geoffrey Haley is known for his work on Furious 7 (2015), American Hustle (2013) and Star Trek Beyond (2016). He also worked as a camera operator for the films, Jumanji: The Next Level (2019), Avengers Infinity War (2018), and the Academy Awards winning film, JOKER, directed by Todd Philips.

To bring the community together, P|PW Online will also host raffle prizes, interactive happy hour sessions, and small group video rooms for birds-of-a-feather! The ticket is only $299 and registration includes access to stream the session recordings for 120 days post-event!

Register for your pass today!

Posted in Future Media Concepts, NABSHOW, PostProductionWorld, Uncategorized